Donate To The Hubbard County Republicans Today

For a FULL REFUND, by taking advantage of the

Political Contribution Refund (PCR) 

You can now donate online!!

Your political contributions to the Hubbard County Republicans between January 1 and December 31 of 2024 may qualify for a full refund.

How much is the refund?

The refund is the amount of your Minnesota political contributions, up to $75 for an individual or $150 for a married couple (if you file a joint Political Contribution Refund application).  

Make checks payable to: Hubbard County Republicans

Mail donations to:
Treasurer Hubbard County Republicans
PO Box 654
Park Rapids, MN 56470

How do I request a refund?

  1. After making a contribution to the Hubbard County Republicans, you will receive a receipt (EP3-Form) along with a PCR Application form in the mail in a few weeks.
  2. Fill out The PCR Application.
  3. Mail the completed PCR Application form along with receipts(EP3-forms) to the address stated on the application.
  4. Receive your refund via check, or direct deposit.

None of the volunteers on the executive committee, any sub-committee, or candidate campaign receives compensation for their efforts. One hundred percent of your contribution goes directly to the ongoing efforts to help get Republican endorsed candidates elected. Thank you!

There are lots of reasons to donate to the Hubbard County Republicans. Our local chapter is an important part of the political process and at the local level we support our candidates by providing a website, paying for our post office box and postage, decorating and paying for  booth space at the Hubbard County Fair, advertising, and supporting delegates at convention plus other activities. We operate on a  shoestring budget and try to give most of the money back to our local candidates. 

Contributions at the local level insure that the greater Minnesota candidates and voices are heard.  

The Hubbard County Republicans are a county-wide grassroots level political organization. The organization has its own leadership, budget, by-laws, etc. In even numbered years the organization will hold local caucuses in February to discuss candidates and elect delegates to the County Convention. At the County Convention, delegates are elected to represent the county membership at the Congressional District and State Conventions. On the odd numbered years, the county organization holds a convention to elect the county officers.